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  • hankams
      Beitragsanzahl: 42

      Thanks again, Klaus. I am learning a lot from these interactions, a crash course in Zeppelinology. Again, this proves how much more fun there is in doing philately on the basis of Ganzsachen than on just individual stamps. One even does not worry too much about some small fault in the stamps on the piece.

      Yet another point that I would like to bother you with on this not so sunny Sunday. I guess the proverbial 99% (probably even much more, if not all) of the mail on board had a philatelic purpose, sent by collectors or dealers, either to themselves or to the receiver whom they would have known and were asked or ordered by. One can imagine that, with the incredibly high postage fees to be paid, 10 or more times the regular fee, it is hard to come up with a reason why a firm would use the occasion to send a regular business letter. I have two pieces that would apparently qualify for this, since they were sent from business to business. However, I have strong doubts (please see Anhange). The sender is in both cases Siemens Reiniger Veifs, the Sevilla branch. I wonder whether this is the well-known Siemens kitchen utensils company. The first letter is directed to the Hapag representative in Pernambuco, and neatly opened. The second one to one of the owners of the then famous Swiss watch company Gruen in Chicago. This one is not opened at all. I guess these were never returned to Sevilla, but then the assumption would be that Siemens operated as some kind of in-between, preparing these for collectors. Is this a well-known Zeppelin connection?



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        Beitragsanzahl: 42

        Hallo Klaus und Alfred,

        No mercy, then, for my poor card in the Anhänge Afb 9a/b, just part of the 99%, despite the pretty picture on the other side …

        Could you please explain the notion ‘die fehlende Leitwegsvorgabe’ that Alfred uses as an exhibit. Would that be an indication that the piece went ‘off board’ somewhere, e.g. Sevilla, Recife, Rio, Lakehurst, Sevilla2 or Friedrichshafen, and must have been in the pocket of a passenger or crew member? I guess that would be quite convincing, though still circumstantial evidence only: there are counterexamples, like in real crime. I consider the creation of Ludwig Knorr in Anhänge Afb 26a/b as real Bordpost, despite Ludwig’s effort to collect some cancellations on the way.



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          Beitragsanzahl: 42

          Hello Klaus,

          Thank you for these great informing pieces.

          1. The twin card from Tarre is stunning, and it is clear that the two 4 P airmail stamps stem from the same sheet as mine, given the bad centering, quite regular for Spanish stamps until around 1960 (!). I guess it does not have the parachute on the back that mine has, and that puzzled me until I found the solution on this forum thanks to Alfred?

          2. The Las Palmas card with the Exposicion cinderella is wonderful illustration of the times.

          3. As for the Bord Post: am I right in assuming that real Bord Post could only be produced by passengers and crew? And is Pauli sending this picture postcard to himself?

          Thanks again!


            Beitragsanzahl: 42

            Hello Alfred,

            Noch dazu:

            Johannes Heesters had a bad name in my country, since he was in Germany in the 1930’s and sang for The Leader; I seem to remember that he returned here when he was in his late 90’s, and was not really warmly welcomed; and yes, having retired myself a few years ago, in my two Dutch stamp societies – Great Britain and Spain – I am roughly of average age …




              Beitragsanzahl: 42

              Hello Alfred,

              As for the language proposal you German me English: great. I hope that is acceptable for the rest of the community, since my German would stand in the way of a decent conversation, and indeed would make it the contribution of a second rate Onkel Lou or Rudy Carrell.

              That said: thank you again for the very informative answers. I am feeling more confident when writing down things in my article now, especially with respect to my idea of how this flight took place, in the first place the handling of all these different mail trajectories. Your two letters are great examples, and wonderful illustrations of more complex trajectories. mr. Hauck in Portand (Ore) was a very well informed collector, who must have been disappointed when he received the two letters back so late, but then probably understood that they were even more interesting than he initially would have expected. (obviously, these two make me jealous, in the same benign way … there must be literally hundreds of intriguing pieces of mail in this respect; how much more interesting is this than just filling an album with all the separate stamps 1, 2, 3,  …).

              By the way: it is of course not surprising that many names point to German ancestry on the US, Brazil and Argentina mail.

              I attach the Santa Cruz Abwurf karte that I possess: it looks quite genuine to me.

              I like the destination: a small Kurort in (todays) Poland.




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                Beitragsanzahl: 42

                Hallo Alfred,

                Excuses, again, for confusing names: I am new here …

                Thank you for your extensive answer to my question, that was very helpful and solved one of the several problems I have with the article that I am writing about the SAF 1930.  It is great that I found your site to learn more about this flight.

                As for the Barcelona stamp: that is correct. It was a compulsory 5 c for the Expo World Exhibition 1929-30 that took place in Sevilla and Barcelona (commemorated by the series Ed. 499-529 and 566-591). I think that was one of the reasons for the short stops of the LZ127 there in the first place.

                It is on all mail from Barcelona during that period.


                And as I said: it may be in my collection for the moment, but it will be in another one at some stage, I am renting it from the future generation, hoping that there will still be stamp collectors in the first place …



                  Beitragsanzahl: 42

                  Sorry, the last person that I should have thanked is of course Alfred.



                    Beitragsanzahl: 42

                    Hello Klaus,

                    Thanks again for your speedy reaction (I will stop my attemps at German, since your(plural) English is much better than mein ärmer Deutsch). If you are old enough, it must remind you of the Dutch comedian Rudy Carrell, whom we parachuted into German Fernsehen when his days were over on our side …

                    Great that you solved the Air Field problem; I learn a lot, and it prevents me from making stupid mistakes in the article that I am writing on the SAF for our Spanish journal. I guess my card then stayed in Brazil, but at one stage was in the possession (even expertized?) by Field. The card itself must have been produced by Tarré, I guess. Not really a disappointment: if returned it would have had a Spanish cancel I guess, so I think I will keep if for a while in my album, but, like all our possessions, we have them on loan from the next generation …

                    My next problem is: has there been a dropping at Bahia on 24 May? It was intended, and there are pieces with a  Condor Air Bahia arrival cancel of 24th in the morning. However, Eckener (1949:178) says nothing about it, only that the weather was bad that night ( ‘während der ganzen Nacht … häufig prasselnde Regengüsse’’). I foiund a site (that you may know anyway) by Artur Knoth, who denies that such a dropping took place. What is your opinion? The Bahia pieces could have been flown by Condor to Bahia, but is would be remarkable if that would have been shortly after the LZ127 left from Recife for Rio.

                    As indicated above, I am writing an article on the SAF, which contains most of the pieces that I have collected. It is much too long for this medium, but if you want I can send it (it is almost finished, only a few problems to solve, of which the airfield has been solved now) using WeTransfer to your email, then you will have an impression of the pieces I discuss (and the dutch might be accessible to some extent anyway, it is just derived from the same Old Germanic). I do not want to burden the ArGe website with a 20 Mb file.

                    Thanks, again, all the best,


                      Beitragsanzahl: 42

                      Ach, das wäre wunderbar, Alfred. Das ist eigentlich die einzige Flug die mich interessiert, denn ich bin überaus ein Sammler von Spanien, mit eine große Interesse an die Jahren 30.

                      Ich hange ein stückchen an (2a/b) das mir ein Problem stellt. Es stimmt von Barcelona und ist frankiert mit Flugpost Edifil 488, nicht sehr häufig. Tarré und Costa waren beide Briefmarken Händler. Ich frage mich ob Costa die Karte zurück geschickt hatte (nichts weist darauf), und was das Falschirm Stempel ist das an die andere Seite steht. Ich kenne es von einige Briefe von um 1930 aus Ost-Asien (sehe Beispiele).

                      Wer weist Bescheid? Herzliche Grüße,

                      Dik Bakker

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                        Beitragsanzahl: 42

                        Herzlich Dank auch, Klaus (und Verzeihung fuer mein ‘Deutsch’).

                        Ich akzeptiere das meine beide Stuecken nicht mit dem Zeppelin zurueck gefahren sind. Aber ich verstehe von Berezowski (1930) das ueber 300 stuecke doch mitgegangen sind, so ich halte ein Auglein geoeffnet fuer die kleine Chance darauf … Ich habe noch einige andere Fragen, die ich euch zuwerfen moechte …

                        Vielen Dank nochmals, und Gruessen,


                          Beitragsanzahl: 42

                          Recht herzlich Dank, Klaus. Dein Englisch ist naturlich sehr gut. Mein Deutsch ist nicht gut genug fuer aktives Gebrauch, aber ich kan es sehr gut verstehen. Du kannst mich auch auf Deutsch antworten, wenn das leichter ist.

                          I find the topic both fascinating and complex, with much room for research left, but there is also quite a gap in my knowledge still, as a new-kid-on-the-zeppelin-block. I tried to find a Sieger Zeppelin catalogue, but they do not seem to be easy to lay hands on …

                          When I understand well,. you think my hypothesis is right that part of the Spanish mail indeed went back to Friedrichshafen with the LZ127, but my card and letter with the Gare du Nord Avion cancel must have gone by train to Paris and then by air to the Germany. That they have a Sevilla airmail stamp is then because something went wrong last minute, and they missed being brought on board. I know that there was no guarantee that mail meant for the Zeppelins would be put on the airship. They could be late, or not with the right amount of postage paid.  I should look for a card or letter then that has a Friedrichshafen arrival cancel of 17 April I guess.

                          I have a few other questions, so I will bother you and fellow members again soon … I hope you do not mind!

                          Herzliche Gruesse,


                          Thanks again!


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