Willkommen › Foren › LZ 127 „Graf Zeppelin“ › LZ 127 – Allgemeines › Mischfrankaturen der Zeppelinpost › Antwort auf: Mischfrankaturen der Zeppelinpost
Dear Mischfrankaturistas,
The last piece I have to offer in this section is a SAF card from Halle to Habana. There will be more of these, I presume, but they will not all be directed to Cerro, then outside of Habana, now a suburb of the capital. It went to a local post office, which charged a Cuban 1 centavo ‚to pay‘, which so far I have not seen on other pieces, making it into a real, probably unexpected Mischfrankatur.
Furthermore: Klaus, could I use your expertely crafted picture with the reversed detail of the Sevilla cancel inserted in the backside of my previous example in my article, of course owing up to the fact that it is not my creation …?