    Beitragsanzahl: 42

    Dear friends,

    This thread is apparently still dangling somewhere on it own rather than be under LZ127 as Alfred has suggested some time ago … so I hope that it is still accessible for those interested in the 1930 SAF and other Spain related Zeppelin items. Continueing on the topic of spanish airmail stamps other than the 1922 overprints on this mail, I want to share a letter that I recently found in a Spanish auction. It is a not very spectacular von Meister piece Sevilla-Rio > USA, with three different stamps on it: the very regular Vaquer 4 pesetas, three airmail overprint 1 peseta, and the reason why I got interested: the 1 peseta airmail from the 1930 Ferrocarriles series. It has been cancelled 16th May, i.e. one day after the validity ran out. That is not too special, probably: Alfred has show a piece with the 1929 series already invalid for a year … But I wonder now where these stamps were put on the envelop. It must have been in Spain, since the series was available only 13 – 15 May. So, the representative in Sevilla (was that Baquera usw?) put this stamp on, but they must have been handling hundreds of pieces if not a few thousand of the 31.000 von Meisters … One would then expect that there must be more letters and cards with a stamp from this series, e.g. also the 4P. Still, it seems to be rather uncommon. Maybe they had only a few available (issued 25.000) or they realized that they were no longer valid?

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