Willkommen Foren LZ 127 “Graf Zeppelin” LZ 127 – Allgemeines Mischfrankaturen der Zeppelinpost Antwort auf: Mischfrankaturen der Zeppelinpost

    Beitragsanzahl: 42

    Dear Zeppelinistas,
    (sorry again for having to do this in English, my German is too poor, it will make you smile rather than take my contribution seriously …).
    As both Alfred and Klaus already know, I am an absoute beginner in this fascinating domain, a collector of Spanish philately, and only really interested in the LZ127 SAF flight since it landed in Spain, therefore creating quite a few pieces with Spanish stamps.
    I think I have a few pieces that would qualify for this thread, and that I would like to show you if only for learning more about them. The first one is a poor cousin of the one shown by Klaus: a mix of the 4RM and a few Condor stamps. I guess they were put there, in Germany, for the last leg Rio to Bahia. Apparently, the sender was not aware of the possibility to have the letter being parachuted directly into Bahia on 24th May. It goes without the off-and-on-again extra Brazilian Zeppelin stamp that make Klaus’ card so interesting, helas.

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