    Beitragsanzahl: 42

    Dear Alfred & Klaus, usw.

    Can I bother you with a question that I should have asked a long time ago, and possibly trivial:

    I have 16 pieces that went on board of the LZ127 SAF in Friedrichshafen,12 are from Germany, 4 from the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Danzig. Of the German ones, 5 have the 18/5/30 CDS of Friedrichshafen, 3 have a ‘fake’ Bordstempel 19/5 (put there before going on board; sehe Anhänge 1), 3 have a real Bordstempel (22/5, 29/5, 4/6, and were never in the Friedrichshafen post office; sehe Anhänge 2) and one was on the Anschlußflug (Berlin 19/5). All have the red circular Sudamerikafahrt cachet. Am I right in concluding that the cachet must have been placed on board in all cases, i.e. is proof of them having been on board? Or was there such a stamp available at the Friedrichshafen post office as well (the same one, taken along by the LZ127 on the trip or a different one; e.g. of the Lakehurst green arrival cachet (31/5) there seem to be four different versions)? If all have been placed on board after departure, that was a lot of work for the ship’s postmaster … Possibly a stupid question, the answer to which is readily available somewhere …



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