Willkommen › Foren › LZ 127 “Graf Zeppelin” › LZ 127 – Fahrten 1929 – 1931 › Südamerikafahrt 1930 › LZ127 in Sevilla 1930 › Antwort auf: LZ127 in Sevilla 1930
Dear Alfred, Klaus and you other zeppelinistas,
There seem to have been mail from Rio to Recife on board during the 25th May flight. However, I guess the Meister letter in the Anhänge was not. Condor brought it to Recife. I wonder, however, why they put the 26th May Zeppelin cancel on the back anyway. It was never on board the LZ127 and reached Chicago via the regular mail route. Isn’t that some kind of make-belief or cheating? What would a letter that did go on board look like, if any at all? I understand that some mail was taken on board in Rio, both from Meister and from other countries.