Willkommen Forums LZ 127 “Graf Zeppelin” LZ 127 – Allgemeines Mischfrankaturen der Zeppelinpost Reply To: Mischfrankaturen der Zeppelinpost

    Beitragsanzahl: 42

    Hello friends,

    I fear that I cannot offer such an astounding, arguably unique and creatie piece as the DR/Schweiz one of aviator (I am intrigued, though, by his interest in Ballon Monte, but this is not the place to exchange thoughts and examples of these incredible pieces of airmail, I guess). Sticking to the subject, another example from my collection which will be topped by that exquisite Triesenberg to Florencia letter of Alfred’s is shown below. I have seen several of these Sonntag pieces in auctions, not only of the SAF but also later flights, between DR and Colombia, typically via Rio and Baranquilla. Still, it does fill in  part of my collection that seeks to find ‘just one example of  all possible combinations’ (which is an impossible task anyway).

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